Landscape Design
Coastal Sponge Park at Malabar Hill
About the site

Coastal Road Construction at Tata Park
The site is a stretch of reclaimed land for the Mumbai coastal road project, nestled between Priyadarshini Park, Tata Park and Amarsons Garden. About 28 acres of reclaimed land here is proposed as open, recreational space and car parking by the authorities.
The reclaimed land and construction has affect the coastal ecosystem and the edge condition drastically for this area.
Despite the tremendous effort of reclamation the proposal doesn’t include or consider the revival of the lost ecology and the essential need from these open spaces by the local stakeholders.
These open spaces are to be used by
1. Neighbourhood apartment residents
2. Commuters from the suburbs working nearby
3. House helps/ drivers / nannies working for upper class
4. Visitors/Tourist
Design Brief
To design ecological landscapes that offer interconnections between human activities and the environment. To do so by understanding nuances of the people's need and reviving coastal ecology and awareness.
Who will use?
Neighborhood apartment residents
Daily commuters
Low income working class
Small vendors
New visitors from other suburbs
What will happen?
- Shops - Eating space -Amphitheatre -Fountains
-Temporary flea market
- Connectivity to Public Transport -Pause points -Pet park
- Able to gather small groups - Under tree canopy
-Softscape modulation that affords relaxing
- Viewing Deck - Coastal wetland and grassland ecology
Basic amenities
- Restrooms -Potable water -Secured access -Rain water conservation
- Well lit spaces
Design Process
Iteration 1
To integrate the local commute with the park, entrances are provided three bus stops in the neighborhood. At each entrance the visitor is invited by a public plaza.
The plaza hosts small vendors to setup eateries, flea markets and events. It also has multiple seating spaces like amphitheater, softscapes under shaded trees which afford gathering of both large and small groups.
The children's and pet park is placed in such a way that its better accessed by the residents.
The reclaimed land was to be planted with coastal vegetation to create forest like ecology with rainwater retention pond.
To democratize the ariel view of the sea, viewing decks were located at the vantage points.
To break the monotony and linearity of the proposed promenade, intertidal submersible decks and artificial beach were planned.

Iteration 2
After reconsidering through ecological perspective, the forest like ecology was rethought as system of coastal wetlands and grasslands that help in replenishing the ground water network, soil erosion and flood control.
High maintenance softscapes were removed and for the promenade the decision was made to not intrude more into the sea so the it is kept as is.
System Study

System Diagram for constructed wetland system

Coastal Tree Foliage Study
Design Intervention
Design Plan

The project is an ecological landscape project aimed at revitalizing and enhancing green spaces within the city to promote biodiversity, improve air quality, enhance recreational opportunities, and create sustainable urban ecosystems. The project seeks to address environmental challenges and provide a healthier and more sustainable living environment for the residents. The primary focus is on integrating ecological principles, sustainable design, and community engagement to create a resilient and vibrant urban landscape.
The park opens up with 3 plaza inviting people in.
These plaza spaces become a place of gathering , eating , playing and enjoying events of art culture. Every plaza then disperses into a few programs like follies for pets and children, flower garden and a skate park all integrated with central spine. At a few points the spine one can access arial view of the Arabian Sea meandering through the ponds and grass lands via a narrow unpaved pathway.
The imitation of coastal water retention ecosystem is created by making cavities of various types.
1) wetlands 1m deep
2) retention ponds 3m deep
3) grasslands 1-2 m high.
Network of these landforms gives a system to store and manage storm water and replenish the ground water network. In case of a flood, these landforms act as a sponge and protect the city edge from erosion.
Design Sections

Network of these landforms gives a system to store and manage storm water and replenish the ground water network. In case of a flood these landforms act as a sponge and protect the city edge from erosion.
This visualisation for the implemented coastal wetland ecosystem tells about how can we reimagine nature and human interaction. On the right are the areas where people can experience a walk or a delayed commute to their daily life through the unpaved pathways . A shaded pavilion for a pause and contemplate amidst the pond and vegetation. On the left are the areas of untouched vegetation and organisms left on their own to repair and take care of environment.

This visualization juxtaposes the environment of the coastal road project and the design intervention. The coastal road has a hard and stark edges and only one program. Where as the park is a space of multiple programs merging into each other by various trees , terrains and built forms.
At the plaza the sloping soft scape pods are a place to eat , relax and gather in small groups , near by a pathway through the grasslands leads to viewing deck that invites the visitors with a ramp.

People inhabiting the softscapes
Activities at the plaza shops and fountains